Bright orange early summer flowers with yellow centres and deeply divided mid green leaves. These cheery, buttercup-like flowers are perfect for the middle of a moist border or for planting at the margins of a pond or stream. To prevent the roots from drying out apply a thick mulch layer around the base of the plant in early spring.
How to take care of Trollius Golden Queen
Moisture retentive soil is essential for the success of this plant. Choose a sunny or partial shade position. If needed add humus and compost at planting time for best results. Water well after planting, for the next few weeks to help it get settled and water well in dry weather.
Shear plants back after blooming to encourage a flush of new leaves to last through the summer. Cut stems down to ground level in autumn. To prevent the roots from drying out apply a thick mulch layer around the base of the plant in early spring.
Divide clumps in autumn or spring.