C. persicifolia is a rosette-forming perennial with narrow, evergreen basal leaves. Loose spires of outward-facing, cup-shaped, lilac-blue flowers appear in early and mid-summer.
The first rule for success with herbaceous plants is choosing varieties that suit your growing conditions, particularly if your soil is heavy and damp or the plant is in shade and there are many varieties available that will relish these conditions. If you don’t do this the plant may survive but it won’t thrive. One of the keys to good results with herbaceous plants is digging in organic material and preparing the ground properly. We recommend either Blended Farmyard manure or Soil Conditioner or alternatively you could use your own compost. Mix this well in with your existing soil and add a fertiliser such as Bonemeal, Vitax Q4 or slow release granule - any balanced feed is suitable. Dig a hole larger than the pot and position the plant at the same depth in the ground as it was in the pot and back fill round it with a mixture of soil and the organic material. Firm well and water in.