3 bulbs are there per packet.
Allium 'Red Mohican' with its punky-looking plants show up to the gig in late spring with bold, bright flower heads that nod (rather than head banging) gently as they sway on their slender but strong stems. If you like to stray from the ordinary in your planting schemes, but prefer something that’s easy and reliable to grow, give this striking hardy allium a spot in your borders – with the very minimum of fuss, you’ll enjoy their brilliant turn out every year.
The deep pinkish-red rounded flower heads have eye-catching white tips and longer spiked petals at the top, which is how it gets its hairstyle name. Growing to a height of up to 1m, they’re perfect for growing in groups in the border where they’ll provide a big impact of colour to kick-start summer.
Allium 'Red Mohican' is very easy to grow, too. Simply plant them in autumn and leave them to it - these showy rebels will come and strut their stuff the following year without any trouble at all!