Released in 1989. Consistent winner on the show bench. Good for the garden.
Charlie Two is a wonderful dahlia and I've been growing it for many years.
Still one of the more popular varieties for the show bench in this section with its compact and free flowering habit also making it a good choice for general garden display. When growing from young mini plants it is advisable to remove the growing tip once the plants are growing strongly and have produced 5-6 pairs of leaves. All the resultant flowering stems can then be allowed to develop though to achieve bigger blooms the number of stems can be reduced to 6-7 and each stem lightly disbudded by removing 2 or 3 pairs of buds below the main terminal bud on each stem. Strong growing plants get up to 1.25m so need secure staking and tying in. Regular removal of dead flowers will help provide a longer display. This variety tends to produce a lot of basal growth with the potential of a really good second flush of flowers if the season allows. However, removing some of this will enhance the quality of early blooms.
Dahlias require a fertile, moist but well-drained soil, and a sunny, sheltered spot. The taller varieties need staking. In autumn, dig up the tubers and overwinter them in a frost-free place, such as a greenhouse or a shed. Bring them back into growth in early April, then plant out in the garden from May onwards.
Shipping Note:
Our Dahlias are all unique varieties propagated here are the nursery. We ship them as growing plants typically 10 to 15cm high, not as tubers. This way you are sure that your plants have the best opportunity to grow and be successful. Orders placed for Dahlias are only shipped/available starting in May as we protect them for you from frost until then.
It is important to only plant Dahlias when all chances of frost have passed. When you place your order you will receive an email to confirm that we have received your order. You will then get a further email when your plants are either shipped or ready to collect from the Garden centre depending on what shipping option you picked at checkout time.