Dahlia Show and Dahlia Open Day Sept 2022

Dahlia Show at Three Gates Nursery in conjunction with the Irish Dahlia Society - National Dahlia Society Rules apply
National Dahlia Society Silver Medal for Best Exhibit in the show Bronze Medal for Runner-up in the show
A collection of four vases of dahlias, any classification, one classification per vase, 3 Blooms in a vase.
Class 2: Giant Flowered Cultivars, 3 blooms, may be mixed Class 3: Large Flowered Cultivars, 1 vase, 3 blooms, 1 cultivar
Class 4: Medium Flowered Cultivars, 1 vase, 3 blooms, 1 cultivar.
Class 5: Small Flowered Cultivars, 1 Vase, 5 Blooms, 1 cultivar.
Class 6: Miniature Flowered Cultivars, 1 vase, 5 blooms, 1 cultivar.
Class 7: Waterlily Cultivars, 1 vase, 5 blooms, 1 cultivar.
Class 8: Collerette Cultivars, 1 vase, 5 blooms, 1 cultivar.
Class 9: Large Pompon, 1 vase, 5 blooms 1 Cultivar.
Class 10: Pompon Cultivars, 1 vase, 5 blooms, 1 cultivar.
Class 11: Miniature Cultivars, 2 Vases, 5 blooms in each vase
Class 12: A basket of dahlias
The following classes are confined to Growers of 200 dahlia plants
The National Dahlia Society Bronze Medal will be for the best exhibit.
Class 13: Three vases of dahlias, three blooms in each vase, any classification(s). 1 Cultivar per vase.
Class 14: Giant and/or Large Decorative. 1 Bloom
Class 15: Medium Decorative. Three blooms, one or more cultivars in one vase.
Class 16: Small Decorative. Three blooms, one or more cultivars in one vase.
Class 17: Miniature Decorative. Three blooms, one or more cultivars in one vase
Class 18: Medium Cactus and/or Semi Cactus. Three blooms, one or more cultivars in one vase.
Class 19: Small Cactus and/or Semi Cactus. Three blooms, one or more cultivarsin one vase.
Class 20: Miniature Cactus and/or Semi Cactus. Three blooms, one or more cultivars in one vase.
Class 21: Small & Miniature Ball. Three blooms, one or more cultivars in one vase.
Class 22: Pompons (max 55mm). Five blooms, one or more cultivars in one vase.In honour of Mick O’Connor
Class 23: Waterlily. Three blooms, one or more cultivars in one vase.
Class 24: Collerette. Three blooms, one or more cultivars in one vase.
- Entries are to be staged between 7pm and 11pm on Friday night and between 7.00am and 11.30am sharp on the Saturday of the show.
- A competitor may not enter more than one exhibit in any one class
- The decision of the judge is final
- Exhibits are accepted at owners’ risk only
- No exhibitor may be in the hall at the time of judging
- Prize money: No Prize money unless otherwise stated.
- All entries to be left until 5:00pm on Sunday.
- All exhibits are being judged under National Dahlia Society Rules